Monday, 3 December 2018

OUGD601 - Extended Essay Reading - Designing for Re - Use: The Life of Consumer Packaging by Tom Fisher and Janet Shipton

Notes and Quotes

pg vii
- waste gains value through reuse – valued the same as a bought product – when waste is reused it becomes the value of a bought item
- packaging considered to have no value aside from its purpose – after being used, packaging is considered to be valueless
- reusing means value is gained for nothing and replaces something that would have been bought
- reuse makes financial sense at home and for wider society
- reused item limits environmental cost – reused item reduces environmental cost of a new piece of packaging
- reused item saves money for the individual and limits the wider environmental cost

pg viii
- people are worried about the effects packaging has on the environment because it is visible
- people re – use packaging to make them feel better
- packaging is used creatively by the public, which they enjoy and share online – share knowledge online
- packaging could be used as a material for reuse and not just a problem  - packaging could change from being seen as a problem to a material for reuse
- the design of packaging makes reuse easier – the reuse of items is made simpler through the design if packaging
- an object is used for a purpose different to its primary function when reused
- there is confusion between reuse and recycling – there is confusion as to what re-use is
- some consider re-use of packaging to be the same as recycling which is when it is reprocessed not reused 
- re-use of packaging in this sense different from normal upcycling which is usually sold
- focus on how packaging is reused in the home

pg x
- damages from packaging can be reduced through minimising weight
- refills for soap and cleaning products are suggested as options in Defra Report – however still means there is waste
- simplifying our thoughts on the environment to opposing ideas of want / need of packaging and dislike of waste means the opportunity to reduce the effects of packaging through ways in which people reuse packaging is ignored
- inventiveness using packaging can be increased through design which considers reuse

pg xi
- design in this way considers what people re-use packaging for and is separate from normal production – understanding what people re-use packaging for provides a basis for design as well as creating a new form of production separate from others which can influence current thoughts and uses of packaging 
- ‘open’ objects have multiple re-use opportunities which a designer will not always know about, instead the consumer finds them
- packaging design can allow opportunities for reuse as well as close others not considered by the designer
- ‘over the next ten years waste will come to be seen as a resource’ – Defra suggests waste will be seen as a resource soon

pg xii
- this new / alternative production system means consumers consider packaging as a resource rather than waste which is someone else’s problem
- consumers are said to have power and choice over what they buy however these are effected by user experience and advertising which the consumer may relate to
- the government and the norms of society in terms of waste management effect how consumers approach waste – for packaging to be recycled by consumers both the government and social norms / expectations in terms of waste management have an effect on their approach to waste
- packaging moves as a stream from production to waste – the system that packaging moves through is certain – packaging moves through a structured system that always ends in waste – the life of packaging is set and structured in a system – the structured system that packaging moves through after production is always destined for waste – packaging moves systematically from production to waste

pg xiii
- re-use of packaging by the public for a different purpose directs waste out of the normal cycle and replaces consumption of another item – reuse of objects by the public for a different purpose is not the same as closed loop reuse and perhaps is a form of open loop re-use
- the internet provides inspiration and help enabling changes to be made to packaging and for re-use to occur
- this is considered to be one of the ways in which values could change and lifestyles / behaviour could include re-use
- parts of the system need to change to allow reuse, however this cannot be done by only looking at one part

pg 3
- packaging re-use is partly considered to go against consumerism and is resourceful –packaging re-use is considered resourceful and action against consumerism
- packaging as a raw material can be used creatively in different ways
- packaging becomes the waste of consumption
- packaging provides a means for manufacturers to compete through branding – packaging provides a means for manufacturers to increase product longevity, display branding and compete with other products
- Although designed it is valueless and single use leading to waste
- Consumers are conflicted by packaging it is needed but causes guilt and disgust because of the negative environmental effects of consumption

pg 4
- there is a system which packaging and goods travel through, that is engrained in our way of life, which also makes us view packaging as having no value – we have set ideas about how a packaging is dealt with after a product is bought which leads us to view it as valueless
- to encourage reuse, packaging can be designed to allow consumers to be imaginative packaging can be designed to consider how consumers use packaging, to further encourage its reuse

pg 5
- social practice and user centred design are ‘practice orientated’ focussing on the materiality of the environment and how people respond and engage with it
- design for reuse must look at how objects are used instead of forcing a predetermined use – design for reuse must consider how objects are actually used daily, instead of dictating a set solution / function – rather than dictating a solution, design for reuse must consider how objects are actually used daily
- when designing for reuse it needs to consider the consumers use of packaging in a variety of ways
- packaging design must be ‘open’ to allow for reuse by consumers - packaging design must be ‘open’ and consider how consumers use this ‘openess’ to reuse packaging 

pg 6
- there is a continuous system of daily consumption within the home that leads to waste
- consumer awareness of waste creates negative emotions and media outcry
- it is not understood that packaging can be positive within home consumption when reused for another purpose, avoiding the need for consumption of another product – the positive effect packaging can have when reused for another purpose in the home, avoiding the need for consumption of another product, is not understood as well
- when packaging is reused it replaces the consumption of another item, reducing waste and items into the home
- primary research was used to understand how packaging was reused and what motivated them into this behaviour

pg 7
- sustainability does not always mean less consumption
- government and industry focus on recycling and biodegradability may be harmful because it separates consumers from the issue, reducing their feeling of responsibility - emphasis on recycling and biodegradability can be negative, as consumers responsibility for waste becomes detached – emphasis on recycling and biodegradability can have a negative impact because it detaches consumers from the issue and their feeling of responsibility
- book considers waste reduction solution through micro - level – book considers use of packaging at a micro – level within the home, as a basis for designing for reuse and waste reduction- book considers use of packaging at a micro level within the home, to inform design for reuse and to encourage waste reduction, rather than through large scale instruction
- focus on recycling has made it less clear how consumers reuse packaging
consumers and designers have little understanding of reuse and the differences to recycling because of lack of understanding about how consumers reuse packaging
- ‘domestic packaging reuse’ is primary packaging that is intact after its primary function
- reuse is when something can be used for another purpose without being recycled

pg 8
- reuse in this context is when a new product is not made from old materials
- considers reuse of objects / packaging in their original state
closed loop reuse is when something is reused for the same purpose through a distribution system
- open loop reuse is when packaging is used in the same form but different to the original purpose dictated by the designer and works outside a distribution system

pg 11
- reuse is part of the 3Rs in the waste hierarchy
- focus on closed loop reuse by retailers, designers, industry and government
- UK is reliant on recycling for managing waste
- The benefits of recycling can be reduced when access is difficult. Systems for recycling need high amounts of funding for waste to be collected and processed
- No system is needed for reuse, it is done independently and can take place anywhere
- Recycling and packaging reduction are preferred by governments because it is easier to see if specifically, if they are working / having a impact

pg 12
- packaging is seen as an environmental problem because it is visible
- packaging waste visibly disrupts the environment where as global warming is less obvious
- free plastic bags are part of the reason why we have become reliant on packaging and has encouraged us to consider it as needed

pg 13
- carrier bag use reduction was heavily influenced by changing consumer habit
- Material, aesthetic / design and the brand of a carrier bag influence whether it is reused
- Reuse is restricted only by the imagination of the consumer and its ability to function in everyday situations

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