Tuesday, 24 April 2018

OUGD501 - Study Task 6 - Different Types of Usable Page

Different types of usable page 

The branding uses a line, dot and square to represent the three different types of documentation page. These shapes were used in different ways to create ideas for the page designs.

It was considered:
- a line of dots could make up a bullet point list 
- creating  grid from the squares would encourage drawing 
- having corner marks would create a frame like appearance suggesting things should be stuck within the space
- pages of lines would allow notes to be written
- placing a circle in the centre of the page with lines radiating from this would enable users to create mindmaps, this could be similarly achieved by placing smaller circles around it to act as a second tier of keywords or ideas.
- Having a rectangle around the double spread would act as a frame encouraging things to be stuck within it
- having a list of numbers would encourage prioritising 

From these different page ideas it was considered that perhaps refining it down to only three pages one for each symbol would best reflect the different brand elements. Some of the designs for the pages that used the brand shapes perhaps would confuse the users and they may not understand how to use them making them not very functional. Restricting the pages to designs that are quite common would make the design easier to use and understand for the audience, increasing its functionality. Reflecting the key concept of each of the brand elements is important so the write element would be reflected through a lined page, document page through a page with a rectangular border and the define page would have a list of bullet points.

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